Monday, September 24, 2012

"Toss Around" Frisbee

 Isabella's favorite game is keep-away from Jake.
 When Jake does get it, he likes to keep an eye out for sister.
 The game never gets old.
 Isabella will usually return it to me, tug with it some, then is ready to go fetch it again.
 Jake insists on carrying it back together sometimes, much to his sister's annoyance.
 Did I mention how they like to share?
 Occasionally Jake makes it there first (or Isabella tires of it).
But soon enough, Isabella's back in the game of playing keep-away from Jake.

This "Toss Around" frisbee is my huskies' new favorite outside toy. It gets thrown and flies like a frisbee, has three perfect spots for holding (or in Isabella's case, tugging holds), and has a squeaky ball in the middle which I'm sure Jake will eventually conquer when I'm not looking for long enough. 

I don't let either of them sit and play with it on their own for long, because they become intent on de-stuffing and de-squeaking it almost immediately. It already bears the scars of sharp teeth intent on getting into its center. It gets put up out of reach when I'm not outside with them. They really enjoy this toy, so I'm all for prolonging its life for as long as I can.  :)

Molly enjoyed it when she was last over, too. It's an all-around winner!


  1. They look so happy! I wish my dog would play more.


  2. Where did you buy the Toss A-round frisbee?

    1. We either got it from Petsmart or Walmart, can't remember which at this point.


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