Friday, June 28, 2013

Long Overdue Update, Finally

So much has been going on in our household over the last few months. It's been a non-stop whirlwind of news, appointments, plans, worrying, anticipating, and waiting. Too many things all at little time to stop and write it all down. Sorry the posting has been non-existent for the last month...I'm going to try to update with photos fairly regularly this month, and then, after the baby comes (end of July-- it's getting closer and closer, folks!), there will probably be a several-month hiatus from posting, except for maybe the occasional Instagram shot or two here and there.

Where to begin...

Without going into long, drawn-out explanations of everything (because that's not really what this blog is all about), I'll break it down into the two most basic things-- one, our baby is due near the end of July, and two, we're moving (a BIG move). Our lease is up at the end of July, so I will be staying with family temporarily for a few months after our little one arrives. At the end of those few months, I (well, we- the baby and I) will be moving to join my husband (and dogs) in Colorado, where he has already, recently, relocated to and started a new job. Champ is with him already, and the huskies will be joining them soon after the baby arrives. We're relocating for personal family reasons, not because of a job, though most all of our family and friends are here, in North Carolina. It will be a big move and big adjustment, to say the least, with so many things happening almost all at once. There will be further changes in store once the baby and I arrive in Colorado, but that's not really anything I'm going to get into on here. Suffice to say...ALOT of changes going on around here right now, and will continue to go on for the next six months or so.

So it's just me and the huskies right now, though I plan to back up a bit and post photos from where I left off before, and gradually make it back to the present, hopefully before the end of July.  :)

Make sure to check back in the next few days for photo posts!

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